Saturday, April 25, 2009

Darwin vs. Intelligent Design

There is really a connection between Darwinism and abortion. There is a quest for perfection and a belief that imperfect individuals should not exist and it is somehow rational and acceptable for the weak and less fit to die by that philosophy. Offshoot of this belief is social Darwinism that led us into Eugenics and sterilization in America to as many as 60 thousand people. Intelligent design isn't really the same as creationism but is tied to it. Intelligent design assumes a creator based on the intricacies of scientific observation of bacteria, cells etc. Einstien believed in a supreme creator because of his observations in science. EInstein was never religious and was not a christian. As Christians most of us believe in the word of God that we were created by Him. And creationism is supported by the concept of Intelligent design. However, for the sake of this post I just want to discuss Darwin and intelligent design. I believe the distinction is synonomous with choice v life. If we believe we have the right to choose because we control life and the imperfect timing allows us to force power over other life that is not as strong as us. The Darwinists believe that even human life evolves. The connection to eugenics too prescribes to the belief that imperfect people should die. Frederick Osborne the president of AMERICAN EUGENICS SOCIETY said that their organization should convince us to Voluntarily Unconsciously Select to abort or sterilize ourselves. He came up with this idea because the people were not accepting the fact that they were "second rate"...His belief was if you convince people to voluntarily unconsciously select based on being told you are irresponsible and it is more merciful/compassionate to abort then their purposes would have been fulfilled. Choice is based on Darwinism and eugenics. Intelligent Design tells us that the supreme being does not make mistakes therefore each life is designed perfectly by a creator to fulfill a purpose in the universe for this place and time. In a nutshell, Planned Parenthood whose founder Margaret Sanger a well known member of the Eugenics society, was created as an organization that could promote the eugenics theory. This is why to this day 1/3 of African american babies are aborted..Planned parenthood is a darwinistic organization. Their goals are succeeding. But knowing that the CHOICE is not a choice but manipulated by Eugenicists like Frederick Osborne who wanted us to voluntarily unconsciously select to abort our kids should influence us to inspire others to truly know that abortion is created to annihilate races/poor/disabled/disadvantages. Everytime a woman says..."I am too young, too old, too poor, too sick, too irresponsible so I am choosing to abort" she is basically parroting eugenic rhetoric. I was never one to want to refute evolution etc because I was raised in a liberal home and went to schools where evolution was taught. BUt this recent discovery of mine has been eye opening. And to every one of us who have aborted and felt lied to our answer is that 'yes we have been lied to.' Abortion is a means to continue to perpetuate the darwinist/eugenics philosophy that only the perfect children should be born from perfect neighborhoods with perfect tax paying citizens who don't require economic support. As an 18 year old girl who had to support herself I totally believed and bought into the belief that because I was imperfect and timing was imperfect it was more wise to abort. Margaret Sanger said: "The most merciful thing a family can do to one of its infants is to kill it." I have heard women say 'it is more compassionate than bringing a child into the world when I can't take care of it..." My first child Aubrey was aborted because I believed I was making an independant choice...the truth is I was manipulated into believing I was voluntarily unconsciously selecting to abort my baby....TOTAL MANIPULATION not choice at my opinion this doesn't benefit women at all...


Beth in NC said...

Thank you for doing all of this research Deanna. Very interesting!